Cooler Master recently announced the new CryoFuze 5 line of thermal pastes, aimed at high-end computers. performance, including those that use artificial intelligence (AI). However, a translation mix-up caused a misunderstanding about the product, leading many to believe that the thermal paste had AI capabilities.

Clarification of AI role

Computers using AI tend to generate a lot of heat due to high workload, which requires efficient cooling solutions. However, CryoFuze 5 thermal paste does not have AI functionalities. The confusion arose from a translation error on Cooler Master’s Chinese website, which led to the incorrect interpretation that the thermal paste had AI capabilities.

After CryoFuze 5 gained prominence, Cooler Master issued an official statement to clear up the misunderstanding. According to the manufacturer:

“Let’s set the record straight: there’s no such thing as ‘AI thermal paste.’ That was information lost in translation. The reference to ‘Competitive AI’ on our Chinese website was an error and does not correctly represent the capabilities of CryoFuze 5. What is true is that Cryofuze 5 is our best thermal paste today. (…) With AI demanding more and more from computers, generating more heat than ever before, our thermal paste ensures that your components will stay cool and function at their best.”

CryoFuze 5 Features

CryoFuze 5 is designed to deliver high thermal conductivity in high-performance processors. Available in different colors, thermal paste stands out for its robustness and efficiency in cooling components, but it does not have any intelligent functions. The reference to AI was a marketing error resulting from translation, and the function of thermal paste is purely aimed at efficiently cooling hardware components.

CryoFuze 5 uses nanomolecular technology and has a conductivity coefficient of 12.6 W/mk, ensuring stability and cooling efficiency. Available in six colors – black, white, green, yellow, blue and red – the paste is an excellent option for keeping high-end components cool, although the colors are a minimal aesthetic difference after application.

Cooler Master reinforces that CryoFuze 5 is a high-quality solution for keeping computer components cool, without any AI functionality involved.