Differences between DDR4 and DDR5: Understand the improvements!
After all, what are the differences between DDR4 VS DDR5? Find out in this article made especially for you.

Ever wondered what the differences are between DDR4 and DDR5? From the moment they hit the market, in 2014, DDR4 memories gradually became the standard model, being the most used in computers at the time. But times have changed, and just over 6 years later, the time for DDR5 has arrived. And it is necessary to understand and prepare the ground for this new generation. DDR5 memories are much superior to their previous version, so let’s help you understand the difference between a DDR4 memory and the new DDR5 version.
DDR5 already had its characteristics and technical specifications shown, but it hit the market from the year 2021.
Come and understand how the current models of DDR4 work and what are the improved features that have been used since DDR5. In this new component there will be great advantages.
What is the difference between DDR5 and DDR4?
The main differences between DDR4 and DDR5 are the higher performance due to the speed of the memory chips and more comprehensive communication with the processor and lower power usage.
DDR4 still belongs to the current generation due to the fact that it was widely used even after the release of DDR5. DDR4 memories operate with values between 2,133 MHz and 4,266 MHz. These numbers indicate a good ability to carry out data transfers simultaneously, which is extremely fundamental for everything that is about running software that requires more processing power capacity.
The level of energy consumption is around 1.2 Volts and in addition the sticks can have a capacity ranging from 4 GB to 16 GB. That is, these features ensure that they continue to be good options for both high-performance computers and PCs looking for good value for money.
Why is DDR5 better?
The main improvements in DDR5 memories should give a qualitative leap in multiple aspects. Therefore, these combs will be able to operate with a first frequency of up to 6,400 MHz. And that should greatly reduce the time it takes to access information, which makes it available almost in real time. Ensuring much more performance.
There will also be good gains in terms of energy. Tests that were released during the 2019 International Solid-State Circuits Conference event, which was held in early 2019, showed that these sticks are capable of transferring an amount of up to 6.4 Gb/s and consuming an amount of only 1.1 volts.
In addition, there are indications that it can transfer an amount of up to 7.5 Gb / s. And with the great advantage of spending only 1.05 volts, even if you are using a smartphone instead of your computer.
If you take into account that sticks can have up to 32 GB of RAM, it will mean that there is the possibility of including even more memory in the respective slots that are available on motherboards, in this way allowing the use of more compact components or even an increase most significant of the capacity.
DDR5 is the future
Despite DDR5 becoming the new standard and being considered the natural evolution of RAM memory models, there should still be an important role for DDR4 until the moment that sticks of this model lose their place for consumers. Taking into account the differences in prices and the accessibility that consumers have for each DDR model.
Which is better DDR4 or DDR5?
DDR4 is still very good and widely used, but obviously DDR5 beats the DDR4 standard in all respects and is the best option for those who can afford an upgraded memory stick.
Can you use DDR4 and DDR5 on the same PC?
DDR5 is not compatible with DDR4. There is no way to fit a DDR5 memory in a DDR4 socket, because the fitting is different.
How do I know if my PC supports DDR5?
You can look this up in your motherboard manufacturer’s manual or use a program like CPU-Z. Run the program, click on Memory, and see the type of memory used. See an example of using CPU-Z in the following image: