AliExpress has 1 cent products for new users | Seletronic
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AliExpress has 1 cent products for new users

Buy expensive products for just 1 cent

- 2 min de leitura
AliExpress has 1 cent products for new users
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AliExpress is that online shopping that always surprises you with exclusive promotions and discount coupons. And new users have many rights to the platform on their first purchase and can choose a gift as an incentive to get to know the platform. The company is betting a lot on its potential and has given many discounts to new users on the first purchase.

One of these discounts is a list of diversified products that cost just 1 cent.

However, it is only possible to choose a new user discount type, and if you buy the 1 cent product you will no longer be entitled to the discount coupon or other first purchase promotion.

Did you know? Seletronic has an exclusive product page with low prices and discount coupons on AliExpress.

How to buy AliExpress 1 cent products

If you are already in the mood to get your discount on the first purchase, and take your product for just 1 cent:

  1. Access AliExpress through the website or app at the link: Discount for new users
  2. Access the U$ 0.01 tab
  3. Choose one of the available products and make the payment

Among the products, cell phone cases, earrings, chains, clothes, and many others.

Okay, you just bought a super product with a super discount on Ali. We hope you liked this tip.

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