YouTube: Platform tests multiple audio tracks, video search and course playlist | Seletronic
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YouTube: Platform tests multiple audio tracks, video search and course playlist

Great features are being tested on Youtube, bringing news that can make it even better

- 2 min de leitura
YouTube: Platform tests multiple audio tracks, video search and course playlist
Google News Telegram

Youtube is testing new features on the platform, which include new features that can make the platform more useful, and a strong competitor for course platforms. New features being tested include multiple language tracks in videos, in-video search capability, and course creation support. Let’s take a closer look at each of these functions below.

Multiple language tracks

As with DVDs, or video streaming platforms like Netflix or Amazon Prime, Youtube is testing the functionality of language tracks in videos. In this way, it will be possible to include dubbing in several languages ​​for the same video, and just as in the strming platforms, we will be able to select the language of the audio. There is already a video with this feature and you can test it here. [Click here].

Search within the video

Youtube is also testing an intelligent in-video search feature, where it will be possible to search for specific lines or content within the video. The moments of the video that correspond to the search will then be displayed. This feature prevents us from having to skip parts of the video to manually search for a period. The feature was shown on the official Twitter profile of a Google subsidiary in India.

Courses on Youtube

The Youtube Courses resource presents itself as an alternative and competition to other online course platforms. This functionality, which is being tested, will allow the creator to make playlists available in the form of a course, and they will be able to choose to charge or not for the content.

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