What is an APK file?
Know what is an APK file for Android

APK is a file extension for an application installation package for the Android system. It allows an application or game to be installed on your phone or tablet without having to access the Google Play Store, which is the official application store for the Android system.
An APK file consists of a file compressed in .zip and renamed to .apk so that the Android system can recognize and differentiate the installation package from other .zip files. Inside an APK file can contain several other files, such as images, text files, XML files and other Java programming code files or other programming languages used to create Android applications.
The acronym APK comes from “Android package”, that is, an application installation package for the Android system!
How to install APK on Android
Another very common question is how to install an Android apk. We have already prepared an exclusive tutorial on the subject at the following link: How to install APK on Android.
What are the risks of installing an APK file on Android
The great danger in installing an APK is precisely to trust any source that allows you to download apps in this format. So, never install an APK if you don’t 100% trust the website you are downloading the file from.
Be careful with sites that offer applications that must be paid for free. These sites may install some malicious code hidden in the app to steal information or make money using the device.
Another example of dangerous sites is adult sites and free online movie sites. These sites often insert advertisements that prompt the user to download malicious applications. Typically, these ads inform you that your device is infected or has other software problems and that these problems can be corrected by downloading the file. Never download anything from sites like this.
Where to download APK apps safely
There are many websites that offer free apps in APK format in a totally secure way, after being analyzed by your team. A good example of this is Seletronic Play, which has free applications for Android and other operating systems.
APK and software piracy
Nowadays with the ease of backing up any application installed on the system and compressing it in APK format, many have taken advantage of this feature to make an installation package of paid applications and distribute them in an unauthorized manner. Therefore, never download files of this type without verifying that they have been legally distributed.