Amazon Launches Inspire – Shopping Feed “Like TikTok” | Seletronic
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Amazon Launches Inspire – Shopping Feed “Like TikTok”

Amazon created Inspire, a shopping feed very similar to TikTok that can show videos and photos

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Amazon Launches Inspire – Shopping Feed “Like TikTok”
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Scroll Feed is increasingly present in many applications. This feature is very reminiscent of TikTok, a short video platform that contains scrolling content that is seen as a success. Amazon is bringing a TikTok-like feature to its shopping app, and it’s called Inspire. Amazon’s Inspire is a new video and photo feed for consumers to explore products and usage ideas with content created by influencers, brands and other customers on the platform.

With Amazon Inspire, easily discover and shop products personalized to your interests from other customers, the latest influencers, and a wide range of brands.

This feature will roll out first to select US customers in early December and will gradually roll out to new customers. For those who already have Inspire, just open the Amazon Shopping app and tap the Inspire icon. On first login, you will be asked to customize your Inspire feed by choosing which categories and products you want to see.

Like TikTok, Inspire focuses on short video content, but also showing photos, just like the Instagram app. And likewise, you can enjoy content by double-tapping anywhere on the screen. This will also help you customize your feed to your preferences.

When you see something you like, you can tap little buttons at the bottom of the window that take you to the product on Amazon. Initially, a tap on these buttons will display the product in an overlay window at the top of the video, but a tap on “See All Details” will take you to the item’s product page where you can read more, make a purchase, or add for a list.

When you like a product, just click a button on the photos and videos to go to the products’ purchase page.

For now, Inspire is available for Android and iOS for US residents, and there are no plans yet to bring this feature to the website in a desktop version. The company has not yet taken a position on taking the Inspire to other countries.Meet Inspire, a TikTok-like feature on Amazon’s shopping app.

With Amazon Inspire, easily discover and shop products personalized to your interests from other customers, the latest influencers, and a wide range of brands.
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