What does “US Customs” mean on AliExpress? Understand where it is! | Seletronic
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What does “US Customs” mean on AliExpress? Understand where it is!

Do you have questions about what US Customs is and where it is? We'll show you what it is and where it is!

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What does “US Customs” mean on AliExpress? Understand where it is!
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If you’ve decided to review the status of your order on AliExpress, and you see that it’s in “US Customs” near a place that shows the estimated delivery date, you may have been worried because you don’t know what it is. To uncomplicate one more subject about the platform, we will help you understand this, and what you need to know to receive your delivery, what the acronym “US Customs” means and other things about your order updates.

Before: To see the Status of your order: Click here

What is “US Customs” on AliExpress?

When the icon referring to “US Customs” is blue in the delivery status, it means that your package has arrived in the United States and is probably “held by customs” or has already had “customs inspection completed”. In AliExpress, “Customs” is always preceded by the country abbreviation, which in this case is US for United States, and when the product arrives in the United States, it is marked as “US Customs”.

Some examples from other countries would be “MX Customs” (Mexico), “FR Customs” (France), “PE Customs” (Peru), “CO Customs” (Colombia), “RU Customs” (Russia), “ES Customs” (Spain).

When the next icon after  “US Customs” is blue, it means that your shipment is already on its way to your home, depending only on the completion of the delivery service, which in this case usually arrive in a few days.

How long does it take to go through customs inspection and out of “US Customs”?

Any package that comes in from abroad will need to be cleared by customs, which are responsible for clearing the entry and exit of parcels in the country, before being placed in the USPS mail flow for delivery. The deadline is not fixed. It can often take as little as 3 days to process, but it can also take hours, days or weeks. Agility depends exclusively on the volume of packages that need to be processed. At times of high purchases, it may take longer to clear customs.

Go to the My Orders page to see the status of your orders

Does the status just stay as “US Customs”? Understand!

If your order has been stopped for a long time in “BR Customs”, and I haven’t left that status, you must already be worrying if there is a problem with customs. But in this case, just check if your order is certified or common. Products with common order are not tracked when they arrive in the destination country, so it will only leave “US Customs”, when you receive your order in hand. So to know where your order is, the best option is to get the tracking code along with the order status, and locate it by tracking the delivery service.

And after I got out of customs clearance, what happens?

After that, the package is sent to the carrier that will be responsible for the final destination of the product. In this case you can see the message that says “sent to the carrier at the final destination” or “sent to the transport company in the country of destination”, which means that the package was received by the local post office, and now it is up to them to make this purchase arrive at the your home.

From that moment onwards, the packages received by the post office are forwarded to the distribution centers of large cities, and then are sent to the distribution centers of the local Post Office. Once the package arrives at your local post office it may take a few days to reach your home. Now just wait to see a message saying that the object left for delivery to the recipient, and that is the same day that your purchase arrives at your residence.

Go to the My Orders page to see the status of your orders
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