TikTok: Company will reward Long Videos; Discover the new Rewards Program | Seletronic
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TikTok: Company will reward Long Videos; Discover the new Rewards Program

Earn Money Producing Long-Length Videos with TikTok's New Rewards Program

- 2 min de leitura
TikTok: Company will reward Long Videos; Discover the new Rewards Program
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To encourage the creation of more long-form, high-quality content, TikTok announced the launch of its new rewards program for long-form video creators. The popular social media platform revealed that the program, called the Creator Rewards Program, aims to reward users who produce original and engaging videos longer than a minute in length.

Aiming to offer creators an opportunity to earn extra money while expressing their creativity, the program will reward content that excels in areas such as originality, watch duration, search value and audience engagement. This means that creators who produce long-form videos that captivate and retain viewers’ attention will be eligible to receive additional monetary rewards.

TikTok is committed to providing enhanced features and support to creators who want to venture into producing longer-form content. The company announced plans to expand its Creator Academy, an educational platform designed to help users maximize their potential on the platform by providing them access to additional resources, courses and guidance on creating and optimizing longer videos.

The company believes that longer videos not only offer creators an opportunity to tell deeper stories, but also provide viewers with a more immersive experience. The company is excited to launch the Creator Rewards Program to encourage and reward creators who embrace this trend and produce quality and engaging content.

Users interested in participating in the rewards program can find more information and details on how to register at TikTok‘s official website.

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