Steam ends support for Windows 7 and 8 starting January 1, 2024 | Seletronic
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Steam ends support for Windows 7 and 8 starting January 1, 2024

Users of Windows 7, 8 and 8.1 systems will have to change systems to continue using Steam

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Steam ends support for Windows 7 and 8 starting January 1, 2024
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Gaming platform Steam has announced that it will end support for Windows 7, 8 and 8.1 operating systems starting January 1, 2024. According to data from StatCounter, although the majority of Windows desktop users have already migrated to Windows 10 or 11, a small portion still use the older systems.

On the support page, Steam developer Valve said that existing Steam Client installations on older operating systems will no longer receive updates, including security updates. Users who choose to continue using the platform on these systems will not receive technical support and will not be guaranteed continued functionality of the application.

Valve emphasizes the need for users to update to a newer version of Windows to ensure continued operation of Steam and any products purchased through the platform. While the Steam client and games are expected to continue functioning for some time after January 1, 2024, Valve cannot guarantee continued functionality.

This change is justified by the dependence of Steam’s core features on an embedded version of Google’s Chrome browser, which is incompatible with older versions of Windows. Additionally, new versions of Steam will require updates that are only present on Windows 10 and higher versions.

It is important to highlight that Microsoft has already ended technical support and security updates for Windows 7 and 8, making users of these systems more susceptible to security risks. Steam, aligning itself with this reality, seeks to guarantee the best possible experience for its users by adapting to the latest versions of the Windows operating system.

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