Mario Kart 64 gets HD graphics in fan-made remaster. Check out! | Seletronic
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Mario Kart 64 gets HD graphics in fan-made remaster. Check out!

Mario Kart 64 HD is a project for the game with improvements that make it a pleasure to see

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Mario Kart 64 gets HD graphics in fan-made remaster. Check out!
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Mario Kart 64 is one of the most defining classics of Nintendo’s 3D era. The game is extremely nostalgic, even if its graphics don’t come close to current graphics like the Nintendo Switch for example. But a team of fans got their hands dirty, and decided to bring a bit of modernity to the game, leaving its graphics in HD. After that, they posted a video showing the result of the work, with a preview of the game before and after. See below:

The leader of the remaster project is called Andrat, and in the video we can see how the graphics of the sprites have changed from water to wine, with a design that maintains all aspects of the original but in HD version. You can follow more updates about the project on Twitter. Also the project is on Github, and can be downloaded from there.

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