Learn: How to buy cell phone safely on Aliexpress! | Seletronic
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Learn: How to buy cell phone safely on Aliexpress!

Want to know how to buy cell phone safely on Aliexpress? This article will help you with the main precautions you need to take to make your purchase without taking any risks!

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Learn: How to buy cell phone safely on Aliexpress!
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First of all, it should be noted that AliExpress is a Market Place, so anyone can sell cell phones on the platform, which means that you will have the opportunity to find better prices than usual, but at the same time you will have more risk depending on of the seller you choose. Unfortunately, there are many scammers out there.

But don’t despair! Let’s give you some tips that will increase your safety, they are very simple details that can make all the difference!

How to buy cell phone safely on Aliexpress: Tips

If you have never bought a cell phone on AliExpress, or you are still an insecure or novice buyer, the following tips will be golden for you to buy your new cell phone on the platform safely!

Check the seller’s reputation

By clicking on the cell phone you want to buy, you will have access to the number of sales, reviews and customer complaints regarding the seller. This Feedback is extremely important for you to assess how safe or risky it is to buy a product.

Prefer to buy cell phones from sellers with high sales numbers and positive reviews. Stores with large numbers of followers and longer open time on the platform also show signs of trustworthiness.

To know more details about the seller and how long the store has been on AliExpress, just click on the store name.

Check if the cell phone is genuine

Nobody deserves to be tricked into buying a fake product instead of the original! So, be detailed, if the cell phone is new and is 50% below normal, be suspicious!

There are possibilities to find cheaper products, but everything has limits! Read the product description carefully and never buy products that have definitions such as ”Replica, Second Line or Parallel”.

Many do not know, but large companies also have a seller account on AliExpress. This means that you will have the opportunity to buy some cell phone brands by buying directly from the official store! What guarantees your safety! Seletronic has already compiled a list of official and authorized stores on AliExpress, so you can make sure you buy an original cell phone:

Compiled from the official stores of each brand on AliExpress, to buy directly from the manufacturer

Check the region of the product supplier

During your purchases on AliexPress you will find products from all over the world. And although most of the products are from China, there are many sellers who work with national stock.

In other words, even if the product comes from China, in some cases you can buy a product that is already in your country, facilitating fast delivery and also not running the risk of being taxed on import. Normally, when the product is already in our country, it already has all fees included in the price, and even then it is usually cheaper than cell phones from big stores.

But as it is not always possible to find this option, there will be situations where you will have to buy the imported cell phone if you want a much lower price, but this situation will increase the waiting time, and you will have the risk of being taxed.

Avoid being taxed unnecessarily

When purchasing a cell phone, avoid purchasing additional items. The more items you add, the higher your chances of being taxed. That is, choose the option that does not have additional items attached to the cell phone, opt for standard shipping and, if possible, buy smaller cell phones.

And if possible, try to contact the seller to find out how he will make the product declaration. With this you will have more information and know better the chances of your product being taxed.

Calculate the additional fee amount

If you are going to buy an imported cell phone, calculate the fees, if your cell phone is taxed, you will already know the total amount you will have to pay.
Therefore, it is important to carry out the calculation to know if it is worth buying the cell phone even with the additional fee, as there will always be this possibility.

There are cases where the price does not pay off, but there are cases where the price pays off even when adding the value of the product to the import tax.

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