Instagram crashed? App is offline – Thursday, 22 | Seletronic
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Instagram crashed? App is offline – Thursday, 22

Users report that they cannot use the social network

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Instagram crashed? App is offline – Thursday, 22
Google News Telegram

You weren’t the only one who noticed that the Instagram application is having problems this Wednesday, the 22nd. The website DownDetector recorded more than 6,300 notifications that the social network is experiencing instability problems. What happens is the feed is not loading the content. This is happening all over the world for thousands of users. Note that the social network has not yet commented on any issues on the platform.

Twitter memes about Instagram down and the hashtag “#instagramdown” are trending with over 51,000 tweets. Despite the problems in the app, many users are still able to access the Instagram service, which shows to be an isolated error.

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