How to Install Samsung Drivers on Your Computer | Seletronic
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How to Install Samsung Drivers on Your Computer

Drivers are necessary for your computer to recognize your cell phone or tablet via USB

- 1 min de leitura
How to Install Samsung Drivers on Your Computer
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If you tried to connect your Samsung cell phone to your PC via USB and it did not recognize it, you are probably missing updated USB drivers for your cell phone. One of the main things that prevent the computer from recognizing and displaying the content of your Samsung cell phone or tablet is the lack of drivers or outdated drivers. To solve the problem, simply download the updated driver package from Samsung and install it on your computer as shown below.

Downloading and installing Samsung Drivers

The driver package is responsible for giving the operating system intelligence to recognize your Samsung. Here’s how to download and install:

  • First do Download Samsung drivers
  • Open the installation package and click next
  • Choose your language and click next again
  • Click install
  • When finished, click finish and connect your Samsung to the computer via USB cable

After these steps, your cell phone, tablet or other device will be recognized by Windows.

It’s quite simple to install the official Samsung drivers, isn’t it? We hope this tip makes your PC recognize your smartphone.

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