How to install Node.js on Windows 7? Learn Now! | Seletronic
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How to install Node.js on Windows 7? Learn Now!

Learn how to install the latest compatible version of Node.js on Windows 7

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How to install Node.js on Windows 7? Learn Now!
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If you have tried to install Node.js on Windows 7, you may have received an error message that says “This application is only supported on windows 8.1 windows server 2012 r2 or higher”. This is because the latest versions of Node.js require an operating system with updated support for the necessary resources and libraries to run the software. Therefore, if you are using Windows 7, you need to download an older version of Node.js, such as v13.14.0, which is the latest version that still supports this operating system.

How to download Node.js v13.14.0

The v13.14.0 version can be downloaded from the official Node.js website for Windows x86 and x64 systems, simply download the file with the .msi extension to get the installer. Or you can download one of these compatible versions from the Seletronic Play website. See the links below:

Website Version
Seletronic Play v13.14.0
Official Node.js Website v13.14.0

It is important to note that starting from version 14 of Node.js, support for Windows 7 has been discontinued. Therefore, if you are using Windows 7, you will need to download the latest version compatible with your operating system. The latest version compatible with Windows 7 is v13.14.0, which can still be downloaded from the official Node.js website. However, it is important to remember that this version will no longer receive security updates and bug fixes, making it vulnerable to possible security issues. Therefore, it is highly recommended to update the operating system to a newer version that has updated support for Node.js and other software.

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