How to Refresh the link data shared on Facebook | Seletronic
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How to Refresh the link data shared on Facebook

Use the Sharing Debugger to change the information that is used when the content on your website is shared on Facebook

- 2 min de leitura
How to Refresh the link data shared on Facebook
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Have you ever posted a URL on Facebook and then seen that something was wrong? It may be that the link had an incorrect thumbnail, or the title or description is wrong. The problem is that even if we delete and try to post again the error will remain there, even if we have already updated the data. But luckily there is a way to change the title, description and image of a link on Facebook, through a tool officially offered by Facebook itself, but few know it.

The Facebook Sharing Debugger Tool

Through Facebook’s Sharing Debugger tool, you can force the platform to update information and correct problems with a shared link. Here’s how to use the Share Debugger to fix a link:

  • Access the Sharing Debugger Tool
  • Paste the URL of the link whose information you want to update and click debug
  • When a new page opens, click on “Scrap Again” before “Time Scraped
  • That way, all changes in the link will be updated

Important note

If your site uses some type of cache, or the source of the URL has some type of cache, you will need to update the cache information before using the share debugging tool. If you have, for example, websites created with WordPress and have a cache plug-in, you will need to request that the page be updated in the cache.

If you use third-party services, as in the case of YouTube, and you want the link information to be updated, as in the case of inserting a new thumbnail, or changing the title of a video, it may be necessary to wait a few minutes until the information is updated on Youtube, and then you can make changes to the Facebook tool.

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