Facebook: Bots want to steal Accounts at all costs; See how to protect yourself | Seletronic
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Facebook: Bots want to steal Accounts at all costs; See how to protect yourself

Bots that Try to Steal Accounts are focusing on pages that have advertised on the platform

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Facebook: Bots want to steal Accounts at all costs; See how to protect yourself
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Facebook, one of the largest social networks in the world, is facing a new threat: malicious bots that aim to steal user accounts. These bots are actively sending messages to people who have pages on the platform, with the aim of tricking them and gaining improper access to their accounts.

These bots disguise themselves as official Facebook accounts, using language and messages that resemble those of the social network. They send messages claiming serious problems with the user’s account, such as copyright violations or other types of infringement, and offer links to supposed solutions.

By clicking on these links, users are directed to fake websites that request login information, allowing the creators of these bots to steal their accounts. This tactic is particularly dangerous for those who have active Facebook ad accounts, as hackers can use them to promote illicit content or even resell them on the black market. In all the messages we receive on Facebook, they are directed to the domain “fyp.bio“. See an example of one of the scam messages:

“Final Warning ⚠️

We have tried to contact you several times without success. His Facebook page repeatedly violated trademark and copyright regulations. Therefore, you will no longer be permitted to use Meta‘s products.

If you believe that your content is not political or violates anyone’s trademark rights, please send us a disclaimer: https://fyp.bio/account-info3621545683
If we do not receive your complaint within the next 24 hours, our system will automatically deactivate your account.
Thank you for your help in improving our service.

Business Support Team
NoreplyFacebook. Meta Platforms, Inc., Community Support, Menlo Park, CA 94012″

Accounts that already advertise on Facebook are more attractive to scammers because these accounts have a sort of “seal of approval” from the platform, which makes them more trustworthy. Additionally, these accounts have access to special features that scammers can use to scam more people. If scammers gain access to these accounts, they can sell them to other scammers for good money. Therefore, it is important to be aware and protect your login information.

Although many messages are presented in the user’s language, some are also sent in English or even other languages, such as Indian. This indicates a global approach on the part of the creators of these bots, targeting users from different parts of the world.

Fortunately, Facebook is taking action against these threats by canceling fraudulent accounts and taking steps to protect its users. However, it is crucial for users to remain vigilant and not fall prey to these bots.

If you receive a suspicious message claiming there are problems with your account, it is important not to click on any links provided. Instead, report the message directly to Facebook so they can investigate and take necessary action. It is everyone’s responsibility to help protect the virtual community against threats like these. We hope these tips keep you alert and help keep Facebook a safe environment for all its users.

Marcus é o fundador da Seletronic. Além disso, é programador, e editor no site. Ama ajudar as pessoas a resolverem problemas com tecnologia, por isso criou esse site. Segundo ele: "A tecnologia foi feita para facilitar a vida das pessoas, então devemos ensinar a usá-la". Apesar de respirar tecnologia, ama plantas, animais exóticos e cozinhar.
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