ChatGPT- Resolve the error: Unusual activity has been detected from your device. Try again later | Seletronic
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ChatGPT- Resolve the error: Unusual activity has been detected from your device. Try again later

Resolving ChatGPT Error:

- 2 min de leitura
ChatGPT- Resolve the error: Unusual activity has been detected from your device. Try again later
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Recently, ChatGPT users have been reporting a recurring error that displays the message “Unusual activity has been detected from your device. Try again later “. This issue occurs randomly after sending a message to ChatGPT. Before the error is displayed, there is a delay in delivering the message, suggesting a possible AJAX request error or something similar.

The problem in detail

Many users have shared their experiences in the OpenAI community, the company behind ChatGPT, describing how this error has disrupted their interactions with artificial intelligence. The error has caused frustration, especially among those who rely on ChatGPT for ongoing tasks and important work.

Solutions suggested by the community

To resolve the error and prevent its recurrence, the OpenAI community suggests some practical solutions:

Method 1: Press the “Regenerate” button

This method tends to work for most users, although you may need to press the “Regenerate” button more than once before the message is responded to correctly.

Method 2: Refresh the tab completely

Pressing F5 to refresh the tab can resolve the issue in most cases, as this reloads or unlocks any scripts on the page that may be causing the error.

Method 3: Start a new chat

Although this method is less effective if you are already in the middle of working with ChatGPT, starting a new chat may resolve the error. If you no longer need the old conversation, start a new interaction. Additionally, you can copy and paste parts of previous conversations to maintain continuity in ChatGPT’s response style.

OpenAI is aware of the issue

OpenAI is aware of the problem and the community is active in finding solutions. Until a permanent fix is ​​implemented, following the suggestions above can help minimize disruptions and allow you to continue using ChatGPT effectively. If the issue persists, consider contacting OpenAI support for additional assistance.

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