Apple Makes Changes to iOS, Safari and App Store in the European Union | Seletronic
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Apple Makes Changes to iOS, Safari and App Store in the European Union

Apple Introduces Changes to iOS, Safari and App Store to Improve Security and Privacy in the European Union

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Apple Makes Changes to iOS, Safari and App Store in the European Union
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In a press release on January 25, 2024, Apple announced a series of changes to iOS, Safari, and the App Store designed to meet the requirements of the Digital Markets Act (DMA ) in the European Union. These changes include the introduction of more than 600 new APIs, offering developers enhanced options for app distribution and payment processing.

By implementing these updates, Apple seeks to reduce risks to the security and privacy of users. users, especially those related to DMA. The new measures include notarization of iOS apps, detailed installation pages, authorization for marketplace developers, and disclosures about alternative payment methods. These safeguards are designed to maintain platform integrity and protect users against potential threats.

Developers can now explore these changes in the new Apple Developer page Support, and through the beta version of iOS 17.4, available for immediate testing. Full implementation is scheduled for March 2024, covering users in the 27 countries of the European Union.

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