APKPure website down: Android download site is experiencing problems
APKPure Fora do Ar: We managed to speak to those responsible for the site who clarified some details for us

The renowned application and game download site APKPure was unavailable throughout today, January 6, 2024, and until the update (01/08/2024) this article was unavailable. When trying to access any page on the site, users are greeted with DNS error messages indicating that the domain is not pointed to a server for content delivery.
APKPure is widely recognized as one of the main download sites in America and around the world, offering a vast collection of applications and games in apk and xapk format for Android devices. The site is a major competitor to popular platforms such as Baixaki, UpToDown and Seletronic Play, and attracts millions of users looking for diverse download options to enrich their digital experiences.
Although it is initially suspected that problems in the domain may have caused After the outage, a search reveals a new domain, apkpure.net, associated with the site name. There is speculation that the developers may have adopted this approach as a temporary strategy to maintain traffic while they resolve issues with the original domain. However, there is no official information confirming this theory.

DNS error message when try to access the site
The Seletronic team contacted the site administration, who are experiencing technical problems with the domain apkpure.com, and that apkpure.net and APKPure App are official APKPure domains/apps. During the time they are resolving issues with the apkpure.com website, the download services provided by apkpure.net and APKPure App will be operating normally.
Users are eagerly awaiting updates and the return of APKPure, while the duration of this unexpected outage remains uncertain.