Why doesn’t the Nintendo Switch have Netflix? The company responds!
Desde o lançamento do Nintendo Switch em março de 2017, muitos usuários têm se perguntado sobre a falta da Netflix e outros streamings no console

Since Nintendo Switch’s launch in March 2017, fans and users have been wondering about the absence of one of the most popular streaming services, Netflix, on Nintendo’s hybrid console. The situation raises the question: why did Nintendo choose not to include this and other streaming apps on the Switch?
Focus on the Gaming Experience
In interviews and statements, Nintendo has consistently emphasized its mission to deliver a high-quality gaming experience. Reggie Fils-Aime, former president of Nintendo of America, stated that the Nintendo Switch was designed as a “first-class gaming device”. The company has stood out in creating exclusive games, gameplay innovation and creative design, prioritizing the playful aspect of the console.
Speaking to Washington Post, Reggie said:
“We built the Nintendo Switch to be a world-class gaming device, which means we want you to play first and foremost into the system and have an incredibly fun experience.”
Reggie Fils-Aime also stated that:
“We’re talking to a number of companies about other services, companies like Netflix, Hulu, Amazon – things to come with time. In our opinion, these are not differentiators.”
Official Nintendo Statements
Over the years, Nintendo representatives have explained the decision not to include streaming applications like Netflix directly on the console. In past interviews, Reggie Fils-Aime stated that Nintendo was in talks with several streaming service companies, but highlighted that, from the company’s point of view, these services are not differentiating. He reiterated that what really sets Nintendo apart is the unique way people play on the Nintendo Switch.
Rumors about a new console in 2024 have been circulating, but so far, there’s been no official confirmation from Nintendo. If a new console is on the way, it remains uncertain whether Nintendo will re-evaluate its stance on streaming apps on the Nintendo Switch.
Nintendo remains steadfast in its gaming-centric approach, prioritizing the quality of the gaming experience. game offered to users. The absence of streaming apps on the Nintendo Switch reflects the company’s vision that the console should be, first and foremost, a device dedicated to the unique gameplay it offers.