How long does it take to reactivate your Instagram account? | Seletronic
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How long does it take to reactivate your Instagram account?

After deactivating your Instagram account, it may take a while before you can use the social network again!

- 1 min de leitura
How long does it take to reactivate your Instagram account?
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After deactivating your Instagram account, it may take a while to reactivate it. Therefore, before deactivating, we have to make sure that we do not need any important information about that account. But how long does it take to reactivate the account?

If you tried to reactivate your account moments after deactivating, you may have seen a message saying something like ( Deactivating your account is not yet complete. If you want to reactivate it, try again in a few hours ).

We researched the subject and found a response from a company employee that was very helpful. When you temporarily disable your Instagram account, it takes about 24 hours to be able to reactivate the account, as it is still processing the first request.

Therefore, we recommend waiting at least 24 hours before trying to reactivate your account again.

Marcus é o fundador da Seletronic. Além disso, é programador, e editor no site. Ama ajudar as pessoas a resolverem problemas com tecnologia, por isso criou esse site. Segundo ele: "A tecnologia foi feita para facilitar a vida das pessoas, então devemos ensinar a usá-la". Apesar de respirar tecnologia, ama plantas, animais exóticos e cozinhar.


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