Windows 10X: Leaked system visuals and features [video] | Seletronic
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Windows 10X: Leaked system visuals and features [video]

This version of Windows is light, beautiful and clean

- 1 min de leitura
Windows 10X: Leaked system visuals and features [video]
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The Windows Central website posted on its YouTube channel a version of Windows 10X for computers and other devices, which focuses on devices with a single screen. The video shows the appearance and functionality of some system features.

For those who like a clean and minimalist look these are some of the characteristics observed. The visual cleanup has few icons and was presented in the video in a dark display mode. The taskbar is the focus of access to the system and other programs and files, and has a centralized Start Menu, minimalist and very different from the one we are used to.

Windows 10x video

See the video posted by the Windows Central website:



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