X: Videos from Elon Musk’s platform will compete with YouTube | Seletronic
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X: Videos from Elon Musk’s platform will compete with YouTube

Elon Musk's Social Network X Prepares to Launch Video Streaming App for Smart TVs

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X: Videos from Elon Musk’s platform will compete with YouTube
Google News Telegram

Social network X, formerly known as Twitter, is preparing to enter the video streaming market with the imminent launch of a new app for smart TVs. According to sources close to the company cited by “Fortune” magazine, the official announcement is scheduled for next week.

The new streaming app will initially be available for Amazon and Samsung smart TVs, marking X’s entry into a field already occupied by giants like YouTube and Twitch. Elon Musk, the brains behind X, is determined to position his platform as a serious contender in this booming space.

Musk’s strategy for X includes making the platform more attractive to content creators and advertisers by offering improved monetization opportunities. He expressed his belief that users will be more inclined to watch longer videos on larger screens, thus driving demand for video content on X.

While specific details about the workings and features of the new app have not yet been revealed, sources suggest that it will be similar to YouTube’s TV app. Musk appears to have his eye on competing not just with YouTube but also other popular platforms like Signal and Reddit as part of his strategy to make X more profitable and competitive in the social media landscape.

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